Print an NHANES design
Print an NHANES design
# S3 method for nhanes_design
print(x, ...)
- x
an nhanes_design object
- ...
currently not used
ds <- nhanes_design(data = nhanes_data,
key = nhanes_key,
time_values = 'most_recent',
outcome_variable = 'bp_sys_mean')
## -------------------------------- NHANES design --------------------------------
## Outcome variable: bp_sys_mean
## - label: Systolic blood pressure (SBP), mm Hg
## - type: continuous
## - description: Mean systolic blood pressure in mm Hg. This is based on the
## average of up to 3 readings. Participants were required to have at least one
## reading. Overall, >95% of participants with at least one systolic blood
## pressure reading had three readings. From 1999-2000 through 2015-2016,
## systolic blood pressure was measured using a mercury sphygmomanometer. In
## 2017-2020, systolic blood pressure was measured using an oscillometric device.
## The systolic blood pressure in 2017-2020 was calibrated to the mercury device
## by adding 1.5 mm Hg to the mean measured oscillometric value.
## Group variable: None
## Stratify variable: None
## N observations
## - Unweighted: 8,965
## - Weighted: 247,835,696
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------