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Summarize an NHANES design


nhanes_design_summarize(x, outcome_stats = x$stats, simplify_output = FALSE)




an NHANES design object. See nhanes_design for more details.



The statistics that should be computed. Multiple statistics may be requested. Valid options depend on the type of outcome to be summarized. For continuous outcomes, valid options include

  • 'mean': estimates the mean value of the outcome

  • 'quantile': estimates 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile of the outcome.

For categorical outcomes, valid options include

  • 'percentage': estimates the prevalence of the outcome

  • 'percentage_kg': estimates the prevalence and uses Korn and Graubard's method to estimate a 95% confidence interval

  • 'count': estimates the number of US adults with the outcome.



The type of output returned will be nhanes_design if simplify_output is FALSE and a data.table otherwise.


if simplify_output is TRUE, a data.table. Otherwise, an nhanes_design object is returned.